Twitter, or micro-blogging, is the combination of blogging and Instant Messenger, or as Twitter asks, "What are you doing?" (24/7 if you chose). It is a way for you or your business to stay "hyper-connected" to your audience.
How it works.
Tweets: Posts
Micro-blog: The Tweet is only 140 character long
Follower: If people choose to read your tweets they are your "follower"
Following: If you choose to read other peoples tweets you are "following" them
PrivateTweets: You approve each request to add a "follower" and only those you choose to follow appear in your Twitter Feed
TwitterFeed: Similar to a Facebook Newsfeed, updating what people are doing
GroupTweet: Having multiple employees send messages to the company name with a message that you can aggregate at @companyname
Check out how to talk Twitter at
Why Twitter for your business?
If you have created a Facebook, MySpace and a blog with little results, try Twitter.
A small warning though, Twitter takes time! Be sure you have the manpower to keep up with your audience. The more you interact on Twitter, the more people will interact with you. (Increasing your audience=increasing sales)
Helpful Hints to be a successful Twitterer.
It is important to be personable, and not sound like a business. Be funny!! It is essential to have a balance of: conversational tweets, personal tweets, promotional tweets, and contests. Your goal is to increase followers. Create ideas that will keep people interested and reading.
What to Tweet about?
New Blog Post Updates
Thank you's

Funny Stories
Business Articles
Twitter is FREE! But remember it takes a lot of time to stay this connected.