Thursday, October 29, 2009
Useful Mailing Tips
Use stickers and stamps as well as hand written notes on all mailers and day-to-day business mail. When you put a sticker or handwritten message on the outside of an envelope it has the impact of a miniature billboard. The message should be short and read in less than 10 seconds.
Post it!
Put your best add on a postcard sized mail piece. Send it to all of your prospective clients. People will read your message if it is brief, even people you did not intend your message for will read your add. Be sure to include your website address so people can get more information if they want to.
Information from
Friday, October 9, 2009
Jakob Marketing Partners to celebrate tenth year anniversary in a record breaking year
This year has been full of exciting changes and growth at Jakob Marketing Partners. At the beginning of the year JMP started with only one full time employee, now that the year is almost over there are five full time employees including CEO, Julie Jakob. In-coming orders have also hit an all time high in 2009, it has taken 1/10th of the time to reach 1,000 orders than when the business started 10 years ago.
Jakob Marketing Partners supplies a full range of marketing services to national clients
including Wells Fargo Bank, Benjamin Moore, Forefront Education and Seattle's Best Coffee.
Locally, their clients include Boart Longyear, Sonata Gallery and the Winter Sports School.
Jakob Marketing Partners is located in a uniquely restored garage at 1106 East 4500 South, Holladay, Utah. Owner, Julie
Jakob, is an avid hiker and vegan cook. For more information on Jakob Marketing Partners visit or call 801.281.9640.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Starting a Marketing Plan
Goals, goals, goals. Set goals for your business and even more importantly make a time frame for each goal. Tell your employees about what they need to do to help you reach your goals. Set forth your vision and goals clearly and then let your employees exercise their creativity and authority in meeting your goals.
Decide what tools will be most beneficial to your business. These tools include the Internet, newsletters, direct mail campaigns, special events, trade shows, advertising, public relations and more.
Make a budget and stick with it! Be sure that your budget reflects your goals and that you have an accurate income projection. Keep in mind that a budget isn't about tracking your cost, it is about setting financial goals and finding ways to meet them.
Delegate responsibility for implementing each segment of the marketing plan and monitor the results. It is a learning process so don't be afraid to make adjustments as necessary.
Keep thing fresh. Overhaul your marketing plan every few years.
Information from: &
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Internet Marketing: How to make good Internet ads
Not all attention is positive. Ads with poor creativity can have a negative effect on people's opinions about a brand.
Bigger ads are not always better or necessary. Recommended size: 180 pixels x 150 pixels, a rectangle works best.
Ads that surround content are least effective. People have developed "banner blindness," this is where they chose not to pay attention to these banners.
Good ads are creative and use video (can be expensive) or GIF/JPEG (cheaper). Do not have annoying ads.The least effective ones are simple flash-based ads.
Always use ads that have the option to skip or close.
Try and run multiple ads in multiple positions.
Be relevant to your viewer.
Do not use flying ads or ads that cover content that people want to see/read.
Information from
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
What Jakob Marketing Partners can do for you?
Brainstorming is an important part before getting started. We help assist you on focusing on what you or your business needs. Our service includes, but is by no means limited to:
-All design, production & printing
-Direct mail campaign production
-Data research
-Evaluation of return-on-investment (ROI)
-Seminars & training for your marketing staff
-Photo editing
-Any and all collateral materials
-Promotional Items
-Public relations campaigns
-Web design
If you don't have experience in marketing, let us be your marketing team. We make the best of your marketing dollars while giving high quality service.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Is Twitter right for your business?
Twitter, or micro-blogging, is the combination of blogging and Instant Messenger, or as Twitter asks, "What are you doing?" (24/7 if you chose). It is a way for you or your business to stay "hyper-connected" to your audience.
How it works.
Tweets: Posts
Micro-blog: The Tweet is only 140 character long
Follower: If people choose to read your tweets they are your "follower"
Following: If you choose to read other peoples tweets you are "following" them
PrivateTweets: You approve each request to add a "follower" and only those you choose to follow appear in your Twitter Feed
TwitterFeed: Similar to a Facebook Newsfeed, updating what people are doing
GroupTweet: Having multiple employees send messages to the company name with a message that you can aggregate at @companyname
Check out how to talk Twitter at
Why Twitter for your business?
If you have created a Facebook, MySpace and a blog with little results, try Twitter.
A small warning though, Twitter takes time! Be sure you have the manpower to keep up with your audience. The more you interact on Twitter, the more people will interact with you. (Increasing your audience=increasing sales)
Helpful Hints to be a successful Twitterer.
It is important to be personable, and not sound like a business. Be funny!! It is essential to have a balance of: conversational tweets, personal tweets, promotional tweets, and contests. Your goal is to increase followers. Create ideas that will keep people interested and reading.
What to Tweet about?
New Blog Post Updates
Thank you's

Funny Stories
Business Articles
Twitter is FREE! But remember it takes a lot of time to stay this connected.
Monday, July 20, 2009
1,000 Jobs Press Release
Holladay, UT - As the economy continues to head downward, a small business, Jakob Marketing
Partners, JMP, continues to grow rapidly. In 2009, it has taken 1/10th of the time to reach
1,000 orders than when the business started 10 years ago. Julie Jakob, owner of Jakob
Marketing Partners, says this is due in part because "we are a nimble and responsive
organization. People love our high quality, creativity and quick turnaround at a reasonable
In this harsh economy businesses are cutting costs, especially on their marketing. JMP allows
businesses with their shrinking budgets, to use the services JMP offers while maximizing their
marketing investments.
Jakob Marketing Partners supplies a full range of marketing services to national clients
including Wells Fargo Bank, Benjamin Moore, Forefront Education and Seattle's Best Coffee.
Locally, their clients include Boart Longyear, Sonata Gallery and the Winter Sports School.
Located in a uniquely restored garage at 1106 East 4500 South, Holladay, Utah. Owner, Julie
Jakob, is an avid hiker and vegan cook. For more information on Jakob Marketing Partners visit or call 801.281.9640.